5 Super Foods for Beauty (Inside and Out!)

As many college students are either just starting or finishing exams right now, dreams of summer are slowly starting to distract us from those algebra equations and history dates we need to cram into our memory last minute. And with thoughts of summer, we naturally begin daydreaming about beach trips, pool parties, and, of course, our favorite summer foods. From watermelon slices to fruity refreshers from Starbucks, summer is certainly a “sweet season” when it comes to dining.

Unfortunately, though, summer can also be a time for sunburns, split ends, and dry, flaking skin. Those Memorial Day boat rides and long swims in chlorine water can create beauty woes that don’t exactly make us feel like “beach babes.” However, the GOOD news is that a lot of our favorite summer foods actually double as beauty boosters (aka. super foods). I compiled a list of my favorite five “super foods” that make perfect summer snacks and perfect beauty boosters.

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Photo Credits: Courtney Bailey

1. Avocados

There are few foods I love more than avocados, especially in the middle of summer. According to the book I think we all know I’m just a BIT obsessed with—Eat Pretty by Jolene Hart—avocados are a wonderful source of healthy fats and vitamin E. In addition, they also contain antioxidants and niacin which all work together to reduce inflammation and redness, repair DNA, and detox your liver—ultimately resulting in clear, hydrated skin. Avocados are the perfect ingredient for all sorts of summer snacks, such as smoothies, salads, and sandwiches. You can use avocado as a spread for your toast, dip for your chips, or just eat it alone in big spoonfuls (something I really LOVE to do on a hot summer day!).

2. Berries

While all berries are amazing for you, my two favorites for beauty boosting are raspberries and strawberries. Raspberries are high in vitamin C, vitamin B, antioxidants (such as anthocyanin pigments and ellagic acid), fiber, and biotin. These elements make raspberries beauty super heroes because of their collagen-protecting, age-fighting, and skin and hair-beautifying powers. Strawberries, too, are amazing for preventing inflammation, free radicals, stress and age damage, and unbalanced blood sugar. They are rich in vitamin C, manganese, and anti-oxidants as well, and they’re usually fairly easy to find in summer. Both berries are extremely delicious in smoothies, salads, and desserts, and I especially love them on top of any breakfast food (waffles, cereal, yogurt—you name it!) Of course, these berries are perfectly fine on their own and make for very sweet, refreshing snacks throughout the summer.

3. Green tea

Although green tea isn’t exactly a food, it’s still an amazing beauty booster that is extremely refreshing during the hot summer months. That is, when it’s iced! Green tea is stuffed with catechins which combat free radicals, restore dying skin cells, prevent wrinkles, and even reverse sun damage. If applied topically as a toner or face mist, green tea can also help reduce redness and promote healing in skin damaged by UV exposure. Due to a personal struggle with anxiety disorder and panic attacks, I never drink caffeine and always make sure I buy decaffeinated green tea brands. However, the caffeine levels naturally occurring in green tea are not very high and would not be considered as very “beauty betraying.” If you can go decaf, though, do it! The beauty benefits of green tea will be more noticeable when they aren’t fighting against caffeine for control over your skin.

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Photo Credits: Courtney Bailey

4. Nuts

As a college student, these beauty boosters are perfect for me. Not only because I AM a little nuts as I try to juggle classes, work, and my social life, but also because they’re easily portable, yummy, and generally pretty filling snacks. Like avocados, they also are full of healthy fats which reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin and hair. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, cashews are a great source of copper, pistachios are high in vitamin B… The list goes on and on. All nuts are extremely good for your heart health as well, which is an added bonus to their beauty-boosting abilities. I like to eat nuts alone for an afternoon snack, usually, but they are perfect in summer salads, desserts, and dishes. I’ve also recently discovered that walnuts are perfect in pretty much any culinary dish.

5. Celery

Throughout other parts of the year, celery isn’t always a popular veggie. But as soon as summer comes around, we all become a little more open to celery, eating tons of it with ranch dip at our friends’ pool parties and 4th of July get-togethers. Though it doesn’t have much in the way of flavor, celery is an extremely nutrient-rich food. Containing sodium, potassium, silicon, and coumarin (a phytochemical that helps lower blood pressure), celery is one of my favorite beauty boosters due to its ability to cool, detox, and hydrate the body. It also helps prevent inflammation and wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. Celery is a perfect summer snack by itself, but I really enjoy it dipped in peanut butter. You can also add it to salads, chicken salad mix, and other summer dishes too.